Let’s Stay Home and Collaborate!
On this page you’ll find lots of ways to make art with us. Don’t forget to tag @theinkindproject or send us your work and we’ll post it.
#theinkindprojectseemehearme #seemehearme
Thank you to the wonderful artists who are sharing their work. How did you color them?

Join Naomi Clark in making a mantel sculpture.
1. Gather old boxes and recyclable pantry items. Look for interesting shapes and combinations.
2. Use a hot glue gun to stick the items together.
3. Apply a thin layer of gesso or white acrylic paint to the entire form.
4. Cover the sculpture in papier mache or plaster strips and let dry.
5. Time to paint! I like to choose a couple colors to start with and expand for there. Most importantly have fun!
Play the memory game by illustrator Sandra Javera.
1. Print this FRONT file twice.
2. On the back of those pages, print this BACK file twice.
3. Cut the cards along the dotted lines and have fun!

1. Take a regular piece of paper
2. Draw a portrait of yourself so that your face takes up almost the whole page
3. Take a photo
4. Send it to us! Or post and tag @theinkindproject and we will repost.

by Elijah Fox
1. Pick one animal, one place, one emotion, and one random object
2. Think about a story plot and development
3. Write one verse and one chorus. If you like, you can try to make it rhyme.
4. Share with us!
Bonus: If you have an instrument you can also choose four chords.
1. Find the nearest book
2. Flip to a random page
3. With your eyes closed, drop your finger onto the page. Which word or phrase did you land on?
4. Write a verse and chorus using that word or phrase
5. Share your lyrics or recording with us!
1. Have a listen to the song here
2. Stand with feet hip-width apart and begin stepping in place at a comfortable tempo
3. Sing the song in time with your steps
4. Bonus: Grab a family member and learn the song canon-style!

Check out what Rachel and Aaron are doing! Thanks for sharing, MAPS.
The In Kind Project was created to bring sophisticated programming in the arts to communities and children of all backgrounds. To realize this purpose and to make admission to our programs need-blind, we rely solely on donations. Please consider donating today.
The In Kind Project is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization. All donations are tax-deductible to the extent permitted by law.