The In Kind Project brings sophisticated programming in the arts to communities and children of all backgrounds. To realize this purpose, we rely solely on donations. Please consider donating for this year’s programming.
The In Kind Project is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization. All donations are tax-deductible to the extent permitted by law.
Songwriting Prompt 2
by Elijah Fox
1. Pick one animal, one place, one emotion, and one random object
2. Think about a story plot and development
3. Write one verse and one chorus. If you like, you can try to make it rhyme.
4. Share with us!
Bonus: If you have an instrument you can also choose four chords.
Songwriting Prompt 1
1. Find the nearest book
2. Flip to a random page
3. With your eyes closed, drop your finger onto the page. Which word or phrase did you land on?
4. Write a verse and chorus using that word or phrase
5. Share your lyrics or recording with us!
Learn Our Warm-Up Song
1. Have a listen to the song here
2. Stand with feet hip-width apart and begin stepping in place at a comfortable tempo
3. Sing the song in time with your steps
4. Bonus: Grab a family member and learn the song canon-style!